I already knew about this long time ago. I saw the rise of SaaS, but I was never interested in it, becasue I don't think these people understand what they're asking for.
You need customers to "subscribe" to the model. I saw the business model in Windows as early as Windows 8. They wanted to change Windows into a SaaS model, and I saw the downfall of Windows right here. Windows 10 was a little better, but the idea of SaaS did not disappear - they tested it with Word/Excel/Office, but customers actually like the "buy license, own it" model.
Server hosting companies are the next casaulty. Whoever applies the SaaS model to servers are suffering because of the profit margins being low. As a customer, I'm trying to bite the tongue and get through this period, but I see the server hosting business crashing very soon because of the SaaS busines model.
I see the software industry, and the server industry crashing very soon. It's only a matter of time. All these people who like SaaS models are gonna lose, and I call them idiots. I'm sorry if that's you, but that's how I see it.