*Sigh* Silicon Valley is a "name." Let me guess, you're the same people that think that ANTIFA is "just an idea." Right? Just sit there and listen to yourself. Do you believe anything you say? No, you don't, because if you did, you'd know that Silicon Valley, while yes, it's a "name." But it's a hub of startups from one area, a hub of investors from one area. That's San Francisco/East Bay down to San Jose. That is where "innovative" startups get their start, that's where the billionaires fund startups with capital.
Many people wouldn't move to San Francisco Bay Area if they didn't know "Silicon Valley." It's the reason why they come and start their business.
Okay, so you said at cross to my "quote" that you don't need to be at an event to understand the issue surrounding VC's - okay, that's fine. Don't! You missed my entire point, and still are going to miss my point.
I really do not appreciate your tone. Especially when you said "all you did is repeat what I said." No, I didn't. Don't patronize me.
And especially, don't insult my intelligence (in response to your "if you want to say what people should know" end paragraph.)
I really do not appreciate it. But you shine a light on how stupid, how arrogant people are in Silicon Valley. Bravo. You just stooped to their level. Bravo.